Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Critical Reflection

   The docuseries, The Show Must Go On, focuses on teaching its viewers about how much effort goes into creating a theater process, in all its different aspects. For this portfolio project, I focused on the second episode, which focuses on the technical aspect of putting up a production. I communicated this message by including a variety of interviewees with various thoughts of the tech process, and including b-roll shots of them doing this process.

 My project represents a variety of social groups and issues. For my interviewees, there are a variety of different genders, ages, and backgrounds. For instance, there are three girls, the two Andreas and Nicole. 

[Fav girls!]

There are also two boys, Johne and Santi.

[Fav guys!]

 There is also a variety of ages because Andrea Chiquito and Johne are both grown adults, while the other three interviewees are teenagers in high school. Andrea Chiquito is in her 20s and Johne is in her 60s. This also adds to the different backgrounds and experiences that my interviewees have. Johne is the one with the most experience, since he has been constructing sets ever since he dropped out of high school in 1979. He is also very passionate about his craft, and is even motivated enough to work completely by himself. Even though Andrea Chiquito is older than the teenagers, she just started teaching shows a few years ago. However her background is different because she is much more mature than the teenagers, and has a lot of experience in the theater business in general. Nicole and Andrea Hernandez have about the same amount of experience in teching shows since they have both been doing it for about two years. However the difference between them is that Nicole absolutely loves doing it and does it because it is her passion, but Andrea Hernandez mainly does it for the service hours. Santi is completely different than all four of these people because he was dragged into teaching since he is friends with Nicole. When asked if he would tech a show again, he said no because he does not enjoy doing it. I think interviewing people with such different social groups really adds perspective to my documentary, because it shows teh different sides of how a show goes on. For instance, even though Santi absolutely hated teching, he still stayed and tried his best to help, since he knew that the show needed to happen some way or another. It also focuses on the main issue of whether or not the tech crew gets enough appreciation from the audience, and why they continue even though there are so many struggles. The general issue discussed is why people continue to pursue things even though people don’t usually understand how much effort goes into doing something. The issue here is mainly that people usually don’t understand what it’s like to do things that require so much hard work, since they’ve never done something like that before. However this docuseries aims to solve this issue by showing people the struggles and why they should’ve be more appreciative.

   The elements of my production works together to create a sense of branding by using the social media, magazine, and docuseries in cohesion with each other. Especially in the social media aspect, I really wanted to sell my docuseries as something that would be a fun enjoyable watch, that would also be seen as  a learning experience to learn about appreciating the art of theater. Through the branding, I did certain things in order to share this message. For instance, in both the magazine and social media, I tried to use bright colors (specifically red and blue to match the theme) in order to be more fun. 

[Red and Blue theme]

Also for the social media, I tried to make it fun and engaging by doing interactive and funny story posts. I even included a bloopers reel to make it even more funny and real. For the actual docuseries extract, I included serious moments when the interviewees genuinely talked about their struggles. But I also decided to include some funny aspects to the extract, so that it would fit with the fun and entertaining branding of a Netflix show. 

   My product engages with the audience, specifically with the social media element. This is because it has many stories that directly engage with the audience. For instance there are many question box stories, that ask the viewers questions that they have about specific things. This means that they are directly interacting with me, the creator of the docuseries. 

[One example of a question box post]

There are also less direct ways of interacting with the audience, by just making interesting graphics to look at. All of my posts on the instagram are not bare, and they actually have an artistic element in them to make them more visually engaging. For instance, I could have done a plain picture for the interviewee post introductions. However, I made the choice to draw on these posts to showcase them in a more creative way. I made the full except engaging indirectly by making them laugh at certain points.

    My research really taught me a lot about the conventions of social media, magazines, and the docuseries. One of the tips that I researched was using hashtags. I decided to test this in two of my videos that I had. I posted both of them at around the same time, and one had hashtags while the other didn’t. Within an hour, the one with hastags had about 300 more views than the one without. This really shows the impact of hashtags. Of course, after this hour of experimenting for myself, I put hastags on the second video! Another tip was to make the thumbnails engaging, which is exactly why I used creative and artistic ways of actually displaying all the feed, by using hand drawn elements and also bright colors to catch the eyes of viewers. Another tip was to incorporate the behind the scenes, which I did with many of my posts! One of the main tips was to engage with the audience by doing things like creating interactive stories, such as having polls and quizzes, which is what I included. I also tried to create some meme like stories, because based on research, shareable memes are a very good thing to include in social media. For the magazine portion, there was a lot of things that I learned from my research in how to create a magazine page. For instance, I learned about the basic components in a magazine, such as adding the author, page number, magazine title, a big quote, and more! When creating my magazine I made sure to include all of these elements so that it would look like a real magazine spread! Now lastly, the actual extract from the docuseries! 

[A screenshot of my actual blog post when I was researching tips]

I gained a lot of tips from actual documentary makers such as Ken Burns and Micheal Moore! One tip was to light the interviews properly, which I made sure to do by using a nice ring light! He said said not to use archival footage, which I made sure not to do since I filmed all the footage recently! One really interesting tip that Micheal Moore gave was to interview people that disagree with you. This is why I decided to film Santi’s interview, since he does not enjoy teching at all, which gives a new perspective to it. Another really good tip from Moore that I found out while researching was to not tell people “shit they already know.” This is why I tried to include the really personal aspects of their interviews to make a really insightful documentary!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

When will my reflection show…who I am INSIDEE

   I think the title of this blog post is VERY fitting. It’s a quote from the movie Mulan when she is singing her song reflection! It’s fitting because she is a princess, and I am too :)) It also describes what I’ll be doing in this blog post! Reflecting! Lastly, it’s the perfect quote because of the last part… “who I am inside”

Who I am inside…

   This project has really been a process and has taught me a lot on not only media, but also about myself! Throughout this project, I think I have really figured myself out. Doing this project has made me realize how much a love media and engaging with the audience. At first I thought I wanted to major in environmental science. However, after coming into terms with myself and realizing that I don’t really like environmental science, I thought that I wanted to do media management. However, with the help of getting connections from my media teacher, I learned that advertising was actually the perfect major for me! This project has also made me realize how much I love theatre, and how big of a part it plays in my life. I love it so much, and I’m sad that making this doc will be one of the last times I will be doing something with my theater company :( I’m grateful for this project and the documentary project from the beginning of the year since it has allowed me to become even closer with my theater company! It’s a good way of saying good bye to them :))

When will my reflection show…

Okay now time for my reflection of my ACTUAL PROJECT! This is probably the longest time I’ve worked on a singular project, and I am so proud of how it turned out and how much effort I put into it! The last time I worked on such a long term passage was last year for AICE media AS level…but we don’t talk about that. I think this project has shown my growth by so much. Last year, my media project was pretty bad, and I was embarrassed with what I had made. This is because I had waited until the last minute to do it, and it didn’t come out how I wanted to. I have even grown from my documentary project from the beginning of the year! I learned a lot from my mistakes from my former projects, which is what helped me do so much better in this one! For instance, I actually made a good schedule for myself that I was able to follow almost exactly. I was able to get all my footage pretty early one which is why I wasn’t stressed at all in the process! It also gave me a lot of time to let all my creative juices flow! What I learned from my old doc is to actually organize footage before editing. This allowed me to actually chose b-roll to match the voiceover. It’s so satisfying when the videos match the sound almost exactly! Another thing I learned was actually how to upload the video, and make sure it didn’t upload blurry. This is what happened to my old project, and I was really upset since all my hard work was ruined since it didn’t look nice to look at anymore. Another thing I learned was to actually add music in the background, to make it more interesting to listen to. I tried my best to find music that matched! I had a problem with this in my last year project, since the music did not match at all. However I think I did a much better job at finding music this time around! 
   I am especially proud of my social media page and magazine, since they are both things that I have never done before. Even though I do have a lot of social media experience on instagram, this is the first time I have actually put a lot of effort into how my feed looks (except for being the social media manager for ceramics club of course!) The magazine is something that I had ABSOLUTELY NO experience in. I am very proud with how this turned out, since it actually looks like a magazine spread and it’s very visually appealing. I especially like how all three of my components tie together so cohesively. 
   If I had to do this project again, I would probably change the quality of my work by using an actual camera and editing software. These are both two things that I am not really experienced in. I really think that using a good camera would add much more to my projects since it would look much more cinematic. Also if I learn how to use a good editing software, other than iMovie, I think it would also have a more professional look. Especially with the audio of the voiceover of the interviews, since iMovie does not really smooth the audio that well. I would also include the side profile views of the interviews. The reason why I decided not to use them at all was because I only had it for three of my interviewees, so it wouldn’t have been cohesive. It was also a hassle to find out which parts I could include the side view for, since my sister ended up not filming that much. This meant that most of the parts of the interviews I decided to put in, wasn’t actually recorded. If I actually had all this side view footage, I would have definitely used it! I would also change was to record more of specific tech members. I especially did not have any footage of Santi, since he did not tech the show I was filming. I would’ve also liked to have more footage of the tech crew actually doing things, since most of the footage was unfortunately just them standing around. I did have a lot of action shots of Johne though! I would have also changed the questions I asked Johne and Andrea to be more general, so I could’ve included them more. I was sad not to put more of them since they gave such good answers, but it was hard to fit them into 5 minutes since they gave such specific answers in relation to themselves that was hard to fit into the overall documentary. 

I spent a lot of time on this documentary, and even though it could be changed a little be be better I am really proud of what I accomplished! Cheers to a good way of (almost) ending the best class I’ve ever taken! 
[the red shows how much time I’ve spent on this project from JUST this month; best time I’ve ever spent]

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Fixing it up

 Okay, now I'm sad :( Today is officially my last blog post before I start posting my actual project. It has been a great few months, and I am really glad about how much I have accomplished. 

    Usually, I am the messiest person ever. Exhibit A: my mess of a room

[someone once told me that I looked like I had a messy room because I am an artist and they were unfortunately...correct]

    I also usually forgot to do my homework. But ever since this project started, I have become really organized. Not only with completing this project but with all aspects of my life! (even though my room is still a mess) I have become really organized with my schoolwork and balancing it with my outside life! These couple of months have been really great, and I have been able to have a great time with friends while also being able to do good in school.

    I think this project really displays artistically how organized I have become. Even looking back at all of these blog posts, I can really see how much effort I have put into this project, and I am really proud of myself :)


   I have put in all the interviewee clips in order, and have shorted it to five minutes. Now all I have to do is fill in the B-roll shots! I also have to put in the side shots of the interview when possible, since my sister did not film for the entirety of the time. Other than that I am good!
[I started filling in some of the b-roll!]


    I have just done a quick proofread of my magazine in order to make sure that everything was spelled correctly and to make sure the grammar was all correct. I have also shifted some of the boxes to make it even more perfect! I am really proud of specifically this portion since it took a long time to complete, and I have never done anything like it before.

Social Media

    I have officially deleted all of Emilia's posts :( I'm sad that I was not able to fit into her interviews :( If only she would have answered the interview questions in more depth, then her interview would have been perfect. However, I cannot blame her since she is only 8 years old!


    The end of the year is almost approaching, and it makes me sad that it's my last year experiencing high school :( I have officially passed down my role as social media manager for the ceramics club to the next generation of students. It makes me sad that I won't have this job anymore, but it also makes me really happy that I can teach my skills to other students! I think it's funny that I was thrown into the social media manager position at the beginning of the year since there weren't enough people in the ceramics club, and now I will be pursuing social media in the future!. Last year, no one used the social media account, and we had barely any members. This year, however, I was able to put some life into the social media account and get new members to join!!

    I am still excited about summer and what's to come in the future! One of the most exciting things is that I will officially be going to the Summer Media Institute at UF!! I have mentioned it before in my blogs, but now I officially know that I will be going since my dad paid for it! I am so glad I signed up today since it said that there were only 2 more open spaces left for the social media specialization! I'm really excited about it!! It's a week-long program, and I will be actually living at UF for it! I think that it will be a really good experience before actually going to UF in august! 

Thursday, April 6, 2023


    Today I made the highlights cover! Since I am finally done with all the interactive stories for my project (for now unless I think of any more along the week!) I decided to actually sort them into categories and make highlight covers to make it cohesive with the entire social media page. I decided to do four different colors" dark blue, light blue, light red, and red. This is so that it could match the entire feed. Also, I decided to use the same stars as I had been using before, and also some extra confetti, in order to make it cohesive

[How the pictures looked before]

[How the pics looked after they were put in as the highlight covers!]

    I also sorted them into four categories. One of the highlights is for the tech crew spotlights. Another one is dedicated to the frequently asked questions. Another one is for memes and other random pictures that say "How excited are you!" The last one has question boxes that the audience can fill out, which is very interactive

Follow me! Learn more about me!

    I also finally found accounts to follow on my Instagram account. It was kind of hard to find these accounts, but I found a few good ones! I also went through some of the feeds to get more inspiration for things that I can change in my social media!

    I also made the bio, which I took inspiration from some of the accounts that I was following. It is pretty short and simple.

Unfortunate News :(

    Okay, I talked about this a pretty long time ago (wow time flies!) but during filming week, I used two of my friend's cameras to film some shots. Their cameras are very nice (and expensive!) so I thought it would be really nice to include the footage in my doc! However, a little bit ago I asked them if they could send me the footage. But they both told me that they had lost the footage because their SDs cards had broken :( 

[Drew's unfortunate text to me :( ]

[martina's unfortunate text :( ]

    I'm really sad that I won't be able to use this amazing footage, but I am glad that I have the footage that I filmed on my phone! I'm glad I thought ahead at the time and had a backup to if this camera footage was lost. Since that footage wasn't on me, I'm glad that I didn't fully trust getting it back to me! I was checking how much B-roll I have and I have hundreds of videos! Even though it's not as nice, I'm still very glad that I have it!


    Okay, so I already have the interviewee footage organized, which actually took SUCH a long time. But now it's time to organize all my B-roll!! I have even more videos of the B-roll AAAAAAAA. The good thing is that it's much easier to organize this footage in my opinion. I organized it into a bunch of different folders, to organize who is featured in the B-roll

[the millions of folders that I have dedicated to this project! The sheer number of videos I have is INSANE]

    One of the critiques from my last documentary was that the B-roll was not organized with each interviewee. The people in my class were telling me that it would have looked nicer if the actual interviewee was actually shown in the B-roll while they were talking! Which is why I decided to make different folders for each person. 

    The bad thing is that I have absolutely no B-roll of Santi since he did not tech the last show. This is why I made a "random" folder so that when he talks, I can just use this footage. I'm sad that he won't be included in the B-roll footage, but as I always say... work with what you've got!! I also don't have much footage of Nicole, since she only came to one of the tech days since she was sick on most of them :(( However, I think I will just feature her face more from the actual interviewees since that footage of the interview actually turned out very nice! I wish I didn't focus so much on Johne in getting the B-roll footage, since now I have WAYYY too much footage of him, especially since his interview isn't that long. However, IM JUST GOING TO WORK WITH WHAT I GOT!! 


    to tell the truth... I am DREADING the actual editing part oh my god. I have so much footage to edit into only 5 minutes! Honestly, I think it would be easier to do a full 30-minute episode! (which I honestly might do later, since I love this project so much!) I'm praying I don't have a mental breakdown trying to edit all of this! Wish me luck!

TumiNumi's Life

    I have been "researching" so much about advertising!! My version of researching is actually just watching a bunch of TikToks HAHAHA but honestly, they are very helpful! I think that they give a lot of information in such a short amount of time. Also, more of the TikTok I have been watching have actually been from people who have experience in the major, which is really helpful! 

    One thing that I learned is that marketing and advertising are NOT the same things. I'm glad that I chose to advertise since it's more of the art side of marketing. Marketing is more math, which I am so glad that I don't have to do since I literally failed out of math and dropped it a few weeks ago!! 

[my art that I presented in my brand identity project!]

    My dream ever since I have been a kid is to do something with art in the future. When I was little, I wanted to be an animator, but my parents said they would never let me do something like that since it's way too artsy for them. However, I think that advertising is the perfect balance of art and psychology, which are my main too love. I also think advertising is a main part of media studies too, and this class has been the best thing I have every experienced, so I am so excited to be pursuing that in my future! I told a person in my class, john brown, about the fact that I was going to major in advertising. He said that he was excited to see my future in it, and that made me realize THAT I AM TOO!!


Monday, April 3, 2023

Glad and Sad News

    An exciting day of Sunday rehearsal yesterday! As always, I used my time wisely and was starting this blog during rehearsal!

[Multitasking at it's finest!]

 My friend Jack, who used to do shows with me, came to today's rehearsal! He was actually there to take social media content for In the Heights since the show is almost here! While on my breaks, I talked to him about how he approaches social media. He is amazing at it since he is the social media manager for his school. He has also won prizes for it!

[My amazing friend Jack winning for marketing and publicity for his Instagram page!]

    After I got home from rehearsal, I researched more about how he does his social media. I mainly focused on looking at all the stories that he has made for all the shows that he has done social media for. he mainly does fun little posts to make the audience engaged. I have decided to take inspiration from this by creating memes like social media posts and using the hashtag "#techcrewlife." 

[hashtag tech crew life!]

    I have also made a list of other types of story posts to do! As you can see from the list, I have made all of them except the final edits pic, which I will be making later this week!

Here are some of my other stories!! 

[super fun and interesting stories!]

Here are specifically some frequently asked questions stories!

[I did the same layout for the the FAQs so that it would be cohesive!]


    Just like I said before, I also made the captions for the Instagram posts, since that is something that I forgot to do before!

    for all of these types of posts, I did the same type of caption. For all the interview posts, I did a quick overview of each of the interviewees. 

    For the Netflix post I made sure to explain when and where it was being released in the caption.


I also included the same exact hashtags in each other posts, in order to gain more interaction with my posts. I did hashtags that had to do with my docuseries. 

Organization Skills

    Now time for the most tedious part...Going through my hundreds of interviews! 

    I have found a really specific method to getting through all of my interview videos! There si a method to my madness! I do this method to all four of my interviewees

1. First I put all of my interview clips into one album

2. Then I go through all of the videos and delete full videos that would not fit going into the video

3. Then I go through the videos again and cut out specific beginnings or endings of the videos that do not matter (such as me asking the question, or laughing at the end)

4. Then I write down a short description for what each video is about

5. Then I make an order for these videos

6. Upload these videos in order to iMovie

7. Split the videos into even smaller videos, so that each clip will be its own cohesive idea that I can move around

8. Cut out parts that are unnecessary, such as pauses

[My method works!]

 Little Girl no More :(

    I have unfortunate news :(( I have decided to cut Emilia's interviewee since I realized that I have way too much interview footage. When I was looking through all of the footage, I realized that her interviewee did not really add anything to my documentary. I was looking to cut an interviewee, and I decided to choose her since her answers were not very good. I'm so sad that I had to make this choice since when I interviewed her for my first documentary, she did a very good job and really added a new perspective to the doc. However this time, it would waste space if I decided to add her, so I decided to cut her interview completely :(

Project Component

    I am finally done with my project! All aspects of it! You can view them all with the links below ~ Docuseries excerpt