Sunday, April 9, 2023

Fixing it up

 Okay, now I'm sad :( Today is officially my last blog post before I start posting my actual project. It has been a great few months, and I am really glad about how much I have accomplished. 

    Usually, I am the messiest person ever. Exhibit A: my mess of a room

[someone once told me that I looked like I had a messy room because I am an artist and they were unfortunately...correct]

    I also usually forgot to do my homework. But ever since this project started, I have become really organized. Not only with completing this project but with all aspects of my life! (even though my room is still a mess) I have become really organized with my schoolwork and balancing it with my outside life! These couple of months have been really great, and I have been able to have a great time with friends while also being able to do good in school.

    I think this project really displays artistically how organized I have become. Even looking back at all of these blog posts, I can really see how much effort I have put into this project, and I am really proud of myself :)


   I have put in all the interviewee clips in order, and have shorted it to five minutes. Now all I have to do is fill in the B-roll shots! I also have to put in the side shots of the interview when possible, since my sister did not film for the entirety of the time. Other than that I am good!
[I started filling in some of the b-roll!]


    I have just done a quick proofread of my magazine in order to make sure that everything was spelled correctly and to make sure the grammar was all correct. I have also shifted some of the boxes to make it even more perfect! I am really proud of specifically this portion since it took a long time to complete, and I have never done anything like it before.

Social Media

    I have officially deleted all of Emilia's posts :( I'm sad that I was not able to fit into her interviews :( If only she would have answered the interview questions in more depth, then her interview would have been perfect. However, I cannot blame her since she is only 8 years old!


    The end of the year is almost approaching, and it makes me sad that it's my last year experiencing high school :( I have officially passed down my role as social media manager for the ceramics club to the next generation of students. It makes me sad that I won't have this job anymore, but it also makes me really happy that I can teach my skills to other students! I think it's funny that I was thrown into the social media manager position at the beginning of the year since there weren't enough people in the ceramics club, and now I will be pursuing social media in the future!. Last year, no one used the social media account, and we had barely any members. This year, however, I was able to put some life into the social media account and get new members to join!!

    I am still excited about summer and what's to come in the future! One of the most exciting things is that I will officially be going to the Summer Media Institute at UF!! I have mentioned it before in my blogs, but now I officially know that I will be going since my dad paid for it! I am so glad I signed up today since it said that there were only 2 more open spaces left for the social media specialization! I'm really excited about it!! It's a week-long program, and I will be actually living at UF for it! I think that it will be a really good experience before actually going to UF in august! 

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Project Component

    I am finally done with my project! All aspects of it! You can view them all with the links below ~ Docuseries excerpt