Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Start of a New Beginning

     I can not believe that we are already starting the portfolio project! It felt like just yesterday that I was doing my first blog for the AS project. So much has happened since then, and I feel like a completely new person. I hope to make my project much better than my last portfolio project. Last year I worked hard on my project, but I didn't really like how it turned out. I realized that I was very bad at making dialogue. Watching my video again made me cringe a little since the dialogue was so poorly written 😓 This time I want to take the opportunity to make a documentary! (this time I do not have to make the fictional story and write my own dialogue for it) 

    One of the best things I have ever created was the first documentary that I made for the A-level class. I still watch it now and admire all the work that I put into it. Not only did I do most of the filming of the B roll and interviews, but I also edited the entire thing. It took too many hours and multiple days, but I created something that I really enjoyed. In the end, I showed the final result to my director, stage managers, and cast, and they all thoroughly enjoyed it. I was so proud of creating something so pleasing to watch, unlike my portfolio project from last year.

    Now you might be saying, "Nethumi! Don't be so hard on yourself!" And you are right, I shouldn't be so hard on my past self. I did try my best, and it was my first time working on such a long-term project. I am proud of myself for actually keeping up with my schedule and having enough time to finish everything by the due date without being stressed. I was also able to do this with the documentary project, and I perfectly timed everything so I would only have to work on it a little bit a day so that I wouldn't be stressed at the end. Even though I did have some uploading problems at the end, it went pretty smoothly! I hope to replicate this for this project

    Even before this year started, I knew that I wanted to create a documentary about theater. Not only was I able to do this one time at the beginning of the year, but I am also now given another chance to make a new better one! This time, taking Ms. Stoklosa's advice, I will be focusing on the technical aspects of theater this time. For the first documentary, I started getting B roll footage early on, because I knew there wouldn't be a lot of normal rehearsals to get footage from. Then a good surprise came when our tech week fell exactly on the same days we started the project, and right after it was due. And now this time, the tech week of another show starts perfectly tomorrow. I will be getting footage from this show early on, but I always think it's better to be prepared early than wait until the last minute. It is the perfect show to make a documentary about teching since it is called "the Play That Goes Wrong," a show mainly about the set around them falling apart. Usually tech weeks only last one week, but since this is such a tech-heavy show, it is going to last two weeks. This is amazing for me because it gives me more chances to go and film them!

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Project Component

    I am finally done with my project! All aspects of it! You can view them all with the links below ~ Docuseries excerpt