I've never had so much trouble editing in my life. In past projects, I've never really had an issue with editing software. However, with this project, I had MULTIPLE issues, which were really annoying to deal with. However, after looking at the issue from different perspectives, I was able to fix my issues!
I didn't really have any issues while editing the concentration footage. All of this footage was easily edited through da vinic, and the only main problem i had was with getting all the footage from my phone to the computer. It was kind of a hassle to wait for all the footage to upload into the google drive, but with a bit of patience, i was able to do it.
The main issues came with the footage that I had just filmed with Nessa, the person who played the friend in the film. I still have not figured out why, but whenever I tried to upload any of this footage into DaVinci, it would always say "media offline." I tried to figure out how to solve this problem by searching it up online, but I could not figure out how to fix it, even by researching with multiple different websites. In order to work around this problem, I edited this scene on iMovie on my phone and then decided to upload that into DaVinci. However, even with this longer edited scene, it still said the same thing about it being "offline." I was able to work around this issue by just screen recorded the entire thing, and then uploading it into DaVinci.
Another issue that I had while editing was figuring out how to do the credits. I had never worked with texts while editing before, so it was a first. However, after watching this youtube video, I was able to easily figure it out. I'm so grateful for youtube!!
Even though I had many issues while editing, I was still able to get through it, and make something that I am very proud of! This has been a long journey, but I am glad that I was able to end it by creating something I really enjoy.
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