Saturday, March 11, 2023


 Okay now time for the backbone of this entire project! The interview questions! Since I already have most of the backstage footage filmed, I just need to focus on mainly the interviews now, so I can actually start editing my project! In order to do that though, I need to make an overview of the doc, and how I want to structure everything. I also need to come up with questions that I’m going to ask the interviewees! 

So I’ve already figured out that I want my entire docuseries to focus on how people overcome the struggles of theater. This episode however will focus on the backstage crew, and other technical aspects of the eater, which are overlooked most of the time. These are some of the questions that I’ve come up with!


- What do you think the stage managers do?

- What do you think Andrea does?

- What do you think Johnny does?

- How much effort do you think goes into making a show? 

Stage Managers

- What is your favorite part about teching shows? 

- What are some struggles about teching shows? 

- Tell a story of your best time teching a show

- Tell a story of your worst time teching a show

- How do you overcome mistakes that have happened?

- How do you quickly think of ways to make mistakes?

- how do you feel after working on a show for so long?

- Do you also have “post show depression” or are you glad when it’s over 

- (Since most techies are high schoolers) How do you balance school and tech week?

- What makes you want to continue teching shows?

- How do you feel about the long hours of tech week?

- Do you feel appreciated after a show is over?

- Why do you continue to tech shows even if you don’t get much credit for it?

- Do you think the tech crew gets enough credit for what they do? 

- What made you get into teching shows?


(main tech person, I will also be asking her the questions above, but here are some extra ones specifically for her)

- How long have you been working with inside out?

- How do you feel about working with kids as the stage managers?

- How many hours a week do you spend on planning shows out?

- What is your process for figuring out props?

- What is your process for figuring out costumes for everyone?

- How do you keep everything organized?

- Was there ever a time when you felt like quitting?

- How overwhelmed do you feel months before a show? How overwhelmed do you feel during tech week?


(Set maker. I might not be able to interview him if he is still in the hospital for his infected injury surgery :O) 

- What is your process for making sets?

- How many hours a week do you spend marking sets?

- How did you start making sets?

- What are some set horror stories? (Could talk about his recent injury, I could also get some shots of his injury if I do end up interviewing him) 

- How long have you been making sets for?

- Why have you continued to do this even with how hard it is?

- Do you feel like you get enough credit?


I have some idea of the overall structure so far, but a lot of elements are still missing. I also still need to get the information from the interviews in order to figure out the structure better. So far my idea is to mix in all the interviews, but first start with Emilia explaining what she knows about tech. This is to show how overlooked the tech crew. 

- Emilia saying what she knows about the stage managers

- The stage managers explaining what they do

- Emilia saying what she knows about what Andrea does for the shows 

- Andrea going into detail with what she does 

- Emilia saying what she thinks Johnny does

- Johnny going into detail to what he does

- A mix of them taking about how overlooked they feel and if they feel appreciated enough or not


Okay now time to talk about my own life! Today I was a princess!! YES A REAL LIFE PRINCESS!!! It’s actually the best job ever, and it’s the most perfect job for me, because I’m a theater kid that absolutely loves working with kids! Just like world fest last week, todays experience as Moana really related to my whole docuseries theme of the struggles of performing. Being a party princess is a lot like theater in a lot of different ways, but it is way more up close and personal, more interactive, and includes a lot of improve. 

[real life princess!]

Weeks before the party today, I have been practicing the songs of Moana and her mannerisms in order to be prepared for the party. However when I got there, since the kids were all smaller than 3 years old, they all had really small attention spans. This also meant that they didn’t even care how good I was at singing or acting like Moana. Even though I love my job, it really made me feel under appreciated because they don’t know rhe behind the scenes of preparing for the role of Moana. Yet I still do it because I absolutely love making kids and parents happy as princess, even if they’re only paying attention for 1/10th of the time. 

[The little kids as they barely pay attention, but as still having fun]



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Project Component

    I am finally done with my project! All aspects of it! You can view them all with the links below ~ Docuseries excerpt