Okay so at first I was DREADING the written component of the project, but now that I have it done, it was actually so fun! Since I already had all of my Q&A's answered from before, it was just a matter of laying it out correctly. At first, this was so overwhelming since there was so much freedom. The main thing that I wanted to include was to make sure that the theme color of the magazine was red so that it would match the rest of my marketing for the docuseries.
To make it less overwhelming, I did some research. I looked at some old projects because I asked my teacher to guide me through old docuseries projects. This helped me get an overall understanding of what the layout should look like overall. Then I also did a bunch of research online, to see how real magazine articles were laid out. I also had all my notes from before, which listed all the elements that were necessary for a magazine.
At first I had a huge creative block a few days ago, and all I did was edit my responses and questions to make them shorter, in order for them to fit into a two-page spread. After I revised this though, I gave up since I had no idea how I wanted to do the spread. Then today, I had a jolt of creativity and was finally able to make something I am really proud of.
[the first page of the spread!!!]

[the second page of the spread!!! I am honestly so proud of myself :D]
I really liked how I did the blocks of color, but still made them all the same color scheme. At first, I was going to make the first page a red theme and the second page a blue theme, but I am glad that I changed it to both red to make it more consistent. I also added a few pictures, so that I could make it more visually appealing. These pictures include me in the action of filming since the article was the director's focus. It also included pictures of the show that was talked about in the first episode of the docuseries. I wanted this magazine to come out before the first episode aired, which is why I only included pictures of this first show that was talked about in the first episodes, so no spoilers would be given to the other episodes.
The entire magazine took me about 4 hours to make, including writing out the answers. Who knew that a two-page magazine spread would talk that long to make! It is mainly because I kept messing around with the pictures, colors, and sizing of everything to make it as visually pleasing as possible! Even though I really like how it is right now, I might go back to it in about a week, to change anything else that needs to be fixed. I'm waiting a week so that my head will be clear to think of new ideas to make it even better!
Check List!
In order to make sure that I have all magazine elements, I'm going to be making somewhat of a checklist for it!
- The writer is "Ayami Wedige." I didn't use my own name, because a director would never write an article about themself to put into a magazine! This is why I decided to use my sister's first name. Then I also decided to use my mom's last name instead of her own, since it would have been the same as mine!
- The page numbers are at the bottom corners, and they are in the 30s to show that this specific article would be found in the middle of the magazine, and not the middle
- The name of the magazine can also be found on the bottom corners, is "American Cinematographer." This is the name of a real magazine, which I found out through a bit of research on the internet. I also decided that my article was going to be part of a running article for all the magazines, called "featured cinematographer." I wanted to make it seem like this was a type of article that could be found in each issue of the magazine, but this time it was focused on me as the cinematographer.
- There is also a banner on the top of the second page to show the name of the type of article it is: featured cinematographer. It also shows the website, because it is also an online magazine.
- I also included a big quote on the first page, in order to emphasize an important quote said by me later on in the article.
- I also put the date that it was written, which I randomly decided to put as March 23, 2023 since I liked the ring of it.
Summer programs!
Now time for the iconic part of my blogs! Time for tuminumi's life! Ok so today I went to the library since my brother had to get tutored, and I decided to tag along so that I could pick up some new manga to read. If you are interested... I decided to start reading fruits basket! Which I think is right up my alley. After I picked out my manga, I decided to research some summer programs at colleges. My mom wanted me to do this leadership one at UCLA, which I think could be really cool. However, I also wanted to do another program that focused more on what I want to do in college.
With a little bit of research, I found out about the summer media institute at UF! It's hosted by the CJC, which is what college I want to go into at UF! However, after looking more into the specialties in this program, I realized that it was mainly filming or broadcast-based. This is when I realized that I do not want to go into film in the future, just because it is such a competitive thing to get into. However, one of these specializations caught my eye: social media!
Later on in the day, my sister and I went to Starbucks and I researched more about what jobs I could have in the future that related to social media. One of the jobs was social media manager, which seemed like a really interesting job.
[researching at Starbucks! my sister's friends even said I looked like a perfect productive pinterest model, which was such a compliment because it is what I inspire to be!]
After a bit more research, I also found out about this thing called "media psychology," which focused on how different types of media effects how we think. One of the things that were talked about in the article was subliminal messages in shows and movies, which is something that I have always been really interested in! However, I saw that this was not a major that I could choose at UF :(( But still!! The idea of doing social media and marketing as a job to promote businesses and movies seemed like a really cool job!
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